Shell, bio-bean and Coffee-Drinkers Help Power London’s Buses

Shell and bio-bean are helping to power some of London’s buses using a biofuel made partly from waste coffee grounds.  The B20 biofuel contains a 20% bio-component which contains part coffee oil. The biofuel is being added to the London bus fuel supply chain and will help to power some of the buses; without need for modification.

The average Londoner drinks 2.3 cups of coffee a day  which produces over 200,000 tonnes of waste a year, much of which would otherwise end in landfill with the potential to emit 126 million kg of CO2 . bio-bean works to collect some of these waste coffee grounds from high street chains and factories.

bio-bean has since gone on to produce bio-mass pellets and briquettes called Coffee Logs, before this latest biofuel innovation.

I’ll drink to that!


Bio-bean founder Arthur Kay on Sky News talking about project with Shell #makethefuture

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