Today we showed our support for Ukraine from 7,638 km away on our islands in the North Atlantic with a small gesture of attending a charity brunch at Fourways Inn, the grande dame of Bermuda’s restaurants. Ten per cent of all food and beverages sold at the event will be donated to humanitarian efforts in Ukraine.
With our yellow buttonholes and wearing blues we wanted to show that even from so far away we are praying for an end to Russian hostility and peace in Europe. Taking our seats at the olde world inn we asked for Bloody Marys checking they weren’t made with Russian vodka. Maria, our waitress who looked surprised but assured us it was Stoli from Latvia, turns out to be from Romania, mercifully, also taking in thousands of refugees fleeing war.
Alongside classsic brunch dishes were beef filled pastry pyrizhki, pork varenyky, chicken Kyiv, Ukrainian salads with cucumber and beetroot. Nestled among the tiramisu and pampushky doughnuts were crescent shaped almond cookies, a hopeful symbol of organisations that help people facing disaster and conflict.
People here in Bermuda are still in masks and diners have to don plastic gloves to serve themselves from the various buffets. A bit of Covid theatre that we are not yet confident to consign to bin of hindsight yet. But there are other pressing matters at hand.
Ukraine Bermuda donations will be sent to Bermuda Red Cross who will send directly to the International Red Cross Ukrainian Fund.
1 Middle Road, Paget PG 01