You really can’t go wrong with an Arthur Miller play, reports Sabine “Bee” Koch. Even more so, when it’s such a class act as The Price at the Wyndham’s Theatre. The story charts the dissolving of a family home by the surviving sons and the lifelong animosities that surface. The beautiful set design with towering chairs and clutter, mirrors the baggage that all of these people carry with them.
With just four characters it is really important to strike a balance between the actors – so many plays have one or two strong performances which have to carry weaker links. In this instance, there is actually an ensemble of actors who inhabit their roles with ease and create a rapport that feels on an equal level.
Brendan Coyle, all sturdy decency and Adrian Lukis(so exceptionally good in The Front Page), all twitchy, nervous energy make a truly believable pair of brothers. Sara Stewart (as the wife) doesn’t have as many lines, but her scenes are funny and emotionally charged, as if to make up for the limited stage time.
And then there is David Suchet. This theatre legend brings the world-weary wisdom of his 72 years of age, but he is as energetic, entertaining and mesmerising as if he were 30 years younger.
Looking at him this evening, he’ll probably delight audiences for years to come.