Modern man, evolutionarily speaking, is still a hunter. Although he has traded spears for cash and credit cards, the hunter is still alive inside. Urban Hunting addresses the struggle of interpreting modern society. It asks the question; “How will the imagined world of our present day be interpreted by future humans?” Urban Hunting focuses on […]
Gumball 3000 15th Anniversary Road Trip
May 18th – 24th 2013, 3000 miles, 100 cars, 13 countries, 6 days. Copenhagen – Stockholm – Helsinki – St. Petersburg – Tallinn – Riga – Warsaw – Vienna – Monte Carlo. Start your engines…as the 15th anniversary ‘Gumball 3000’ Rally from Copenhagen to Monaco is about to begin. Each year the famous 3000 mile road trip […]
Post apocalyptic at Casa Violeta, Mexico
If you saw this post apocalyptic commercial you’ll understand where we are coming from… Matthew Devlen reports from Tulum, heart of the Mayan Empire. ‘Spent three heavenly days with my imagination in overdrive exploring this still relatively unspoiled stretch of the Mayan Riviera near Tulum in Mexico. Luckily, I caught up with my dear friend Lelaine […]