London’s First Digital Food Festival

October marks the start of a month-long digital food festival in Crouch End – the first ever online event of its type in London.   From  its award-winning coffee bars, an ice cream parlour that makes its own ices from secret recipes on the premises, to a hip Spanish tapas bar, this leafy North London […]

Go Nuts for the Amazonian iBean lossless digital audio player launched on Kickstarter

Forget the iPod, meet the iBean. Yes, we thought we must be nuts when we read this… From inside the pod comes iBean and iTagua,  the world’s first ‘lossless’ digital audio music players, designed using sustainably gathered, whole natural botanical casings from the Amazon Rainforest. Launching on 1st August 2013 on Kickstarter,  the venture by London-based Cybotanics […]

What are you listening to Harkive?

Music lovers around the world are being asked on Tuesday 9th July to participate in a unique online music project launched by a Birmingham City University student. Craig Hamilton, an MA Music Industries student, is using social media to invite fellow music fans from across the globe to take part in the first ever worldwide look at […]

Amazon Autorip Launches in the UK

Customers who have purchased AutoRip CDs and vinyl from dating back to 1999 will find MP3 versions automatically added to their Amazon Cloud Player account, free of charge from today. Amazon AutoRip is a new service that gives you free MP3 versions of CDs and vinyl music you’ve purchase from Amazon. As soon as […]

Top Packing Tips and Ten Mags for a Tenner from lekiosk

With Brits fleeing the UK after the Olympics this summer, the annual war between us and our unruly suitcases has begun.  Just thinking about what to pack is a task in itself, but trying to fit it all into an airline’s luggage allowance is a challenge, especially as baggage allowances are getting smaller and some […]

the UK’s first ever body motion recognition research in out-of-home

First motion recognition trial hits the UK capturing consumer behaviour as never seen before. Today sees the launch of the UK’s first ever body motion recognition research in out-of-home using ground breaking technology at an interactive panel in London. The premise of the trial devised by Clear Channel and Kinetic in conjunction with 3D Exposure, […]

Global Launch of Triumph Essence ‘Fantasy Mirror’

The Triumph ‘Fantasy Mirror’, allows the customer to experience the collection without removing a single item of clothing. This uniquely interactive way of trying on lingerie requires shoppers just to select their item of underwear on the digital touch screen and then watch as the mirror creates a 3D visualisation that perfectly maps it to […]